
South Africa – Ethiopia Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting

The third meeting of the South Africa- Ethiopia Joint Ministerial Commission was held in Durban on Thursday (March 28th)  2013,…

Donors' consortium praises Ethiopian poverty reduction efforts

The Co-Chair of the Donors’ Assistance Group (DAG), a consortium of donors, Geert Geut, told reporters that DAG has appreciated…

South Sudan rejects pro-Egypt Nile water treaties

South Sudan has expressed its opposition to a 1959 Nile Water agreements between Sudan and Egypt. The country said it…

Kenyata's election-win in Ethiopian eyes

Last week saw the election of Dep. PM Uhuru Kenyatta as President of Kenya, the 2nd biggest economy in Eastern…

Ethiopian Herald| Saudi Prince a 'wanna-be proxy agent' [print version]

[Note: I had published this article on this blog on Saturday, titled "Saudi Prince a ‘wanna-be proxy agent’| Ethiopian Herald".…

Saudi Prince a ‘wanna-be proxy agent’| Ethiopian Herald[print version]

Last Thursday, I posted on Facebook and Twitter a screen-shot of the website of the state-owned newspaper Ethiopian Herald and…

Nile | Campaign on Ethiopia's dam: Old wine, new bottles

Various media outlets have released negative reports concerning the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) over the past…

Kenya: 1.2 mln dead people "voted" in Presidential polls

National elections were held in Kenya on March 4th putting into place a new biometric voter registration technology, aiming to…

Ethiopian Herald Op-Ed tells Saudi Prince what "everyone with half a brain knows"

"The argument “because the dam is being built near Sudan” wouldn’t hold water unless you have a little knowledge about…

Saudi Gazette | Do not encourage Ethiopia-phobia

(By: Mahmoud Ahmed) The recent phenomenon of Ethiopia bashing in our country’s media is turning a wee bit malicious. I…