
Meles Zenawi Foundation established – Azeb Mesfin Board Chair

The Meles Zenawi Foundation was established at a launching ceremony held on April 7th at the African Union Headquarters in…

Qatar's Emir visits Ethiopia

Following the conclusion of the bilateral talks between the Emir and Prime Minister Hailemariam a number of agreements were signed.…

Ethiopia, Netherlands signed MOU "on formalizing dialogue"

Ambassador Berhane Gebrechristos, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Bob Hiensch, Ambassador- at-Large for the Netherland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs,…

Saudi Prince Khaled bin Sultan

Nile: Saudi renounces remarks against Ethiopia's dam

Senior Saudi Arabia officials distanced themselves from the hostile remarks made by Prince Khaled bin Sultan in the last week…

[Full list] EPRDF's Council – Who's in, who's out | Metekakat review

Here-under, in the first table, I will simply list the current 180 members of the EPRDF Council as well as…

Mohamed Morsi speaks at the al-Nour mosque Khartoum on Friday. Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi said during his first visit to Sudan that cooperation between the Islamist regimes in Cairo and Khartoum

Morsi: there are enemies for Egypt, Sudan integration

Egyptian President Morsi conducted a 24 hour visit. His visit included an appearance at Al-Noor mosque in Khartoum, where he said:…

EPRDF - leadership & election structure as of Year 2013

EPRDF’s Executive – Who is in, who is out | Metekakat review

The ruling party EPRDF saw another major change in its leadership last month with the replacement of about a third…

Ethiopia | Allegation of FinSpy malware smells fishy

Last week, media outlets, citing a briefing published by CitizenLab – an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the University of Toronto, Canada –…

Vilifying Ethiopia's Villagization program: More unsubstantiated claims

Ethiopia’s villagization program has become a favorite subject for politically motivated critiques by advocacy organizations and human rights groups who…

Nile: South Sudan and regional consensus on the Nile waters

"South Sudan does not recognize, and I underline does not recognize, the content of the 1959 [Nile Water] agreement". These…