
Nile| Ethiopia: Parliament unanimously ratifies Entebbe treaty

(Daniel Berhane) Ethiopian Parliament passed a law to ratify the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement (a.k.a. the Entebbe treaty) and make it part…

Why Ethiopia turns a deaf ear to environmentalists' outcry

(Daniel Berhane) Last month, I had an informative chat with a State Minister in the energy sector in Bahir dar.…

Saline lake puts Awash River and Aggro-investments at risk

Highlight: Authorities have attributed Beseka’s growth to irrigation runoff in the Metahara area. A saline lake in Ethiopia that’s baffled…

PM Hailemariam's visit: Statements by EU Commissioner & President

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegne met European Union officials in Brussels, Belgium, this week. Here are the press statement made…

Nile | Ethiopia pokes Egypt taking the last step to ratify CFA

Ethiopian Parliament referred the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) to its Standing committee on Thursday, bringing  the ratification one session…

Gibe III dam | Group warns of ‘catastrophe’ in Omo Valley

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE April 15, 2013 * Aid agencies turn blind eye to ‘catastrophe’ in Ethiopia * Three new reports predict disaster…

Nile | Campaign on Ethiopia's dam: Old wine, new bottles

Various media outlets have released negative reports concerning the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) over the past…

Ethiopian Herald Op-Ed tells Saudi Prince what "everyone with half a brain knows"

"The argument “because the dam is being built near Sudan” wouldn’t hold water unless you have a little knowledge about…

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