Press releases

Microsoft to release ‘African pack’ in Amharic, KiSwahili, Nigerian languages

Microsoft announced the release of a software package in five African languages. The software, dubbed ‘Microsoft Africa Pack’, contains local…

Egypt: New constitutional declaration of elections [Press release]

The Supreme Council of Egypt Army, which is in charge of the country since Hosni Mubarak’s oust last February, issued…

Somalia: Famine spreads to three more areas [Press Release]

Highlights: Three Agro-pastorals districts and IDP settlement areas reached famine stage. - in addition to the two areas, where famine…

East African drought causing complex, multi-directional migration | IOM Press Release

The severe drought leading to a considerable increase in complex, multi-directional migration flows...Those population movements involve not only refugees…

[Press release]: Ethiopia needs $329.8 mln to feed 4.6 mln

Ethiopian government issued an urgent appeal for $398.4 million from July-Dec. 2011 for Humanitarian works; i.e., food assistance, health and…

State Dept. sued for DV 2012 fiasco [Press Release]

After weeks of waiting White and Associates law firm filed a Class Action Lawsuit against the US State Department. The…

Freedom House: Worst of the Worst 2011: The World’s Most Repressive Societies

Freedom House released a report titled Worst of the Worst 2011: The World’s Most Repressive Societies. Here is a general…

UN trade body praises Ethiopia, Tanzania | UNCTAD Press release [full text]

Ethiopia and the United Republic of Tanzania have made significant progress in recent years in implementing the recommendations and in…

UNDP: Ethiopia’s the topmost human development achiever [Press Release]

according to the press release by the UNDP in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia registered the 2nd highest improvement in the world…