Aid and Loan

Expert opinion: On the upcoming Africa-EU Summit

(Mehari Taddele Maru and Emebet G. Abate) Scheduled for April 2014, the 4th Africa-EU Summit will be held in Brussels.…

Review: Ethiopia, aid and conditionality

The author, Axel Borchgrevink, is a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. He holds a doctoral degree…

How Western aid to Somalia finances Al-Shabaab

(Abdirazak Fartaag) Donor funds to Somalia are being diverted for personal use or to fund militia, thereby undermining the war-torn…

Uganda’s anti-gay law: A silver lining for LGBTI aid?

Several international donors threatened and a few have confirmed they will cut aid to Uganda after the government passed a…

Somalia’s Famine: How politics killed 250,000 people

(Jonathan Gornall) The word "famine" has a natural ring to it - an inevitable act of nature, if not God,…

Somalia Conference 2013: Communiqué

Somalia Conference 2013: Communiqué [United Kingdom]

May 7, 2013 The International Somalia Conference final communiqué. The Somalia Conference took place at Lancaster House on 7 May 2013, co-hosted…

US bilateral aid budget request for fiscal 2014 compared to 2012

Map| Obama budgets more for Kenya, Ethiopia – less for the Sudans

Last week, the Obama administration released its international affairs budget request for fiscal 2014. Amid fiscal constraints in Washington, the…

Gibe III dam | Group warns of ‘catastrophe’ in Omo Valley

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE April 15, 2013 * Aid agencies turn blind eye to ‘catastrophe’ in Ethiopia * Three new reports predict disaster…

Vilifying Ethiopia's Villagization program: More unsubstantiated claims

Ethiopia’s villagization program has become a favorite subject for politically motivated critiques by advocacy organizations and human rights groups who…

Donors' consortium praises Ethiopian poverty reduction efforts

The Co-Chair of the Donors’ Assistance Group (DAG), a consortium of donors, Geert Geut, told reporters that DAG has appreciated…