Labeling China’s African Investment ‘neocolonialism’ is ‘absurd’ | Chinese Ambassador

(Peter Wonacott)

China has become Africa’s largest trade partner, and with the Asian giant’s bigger footprint on the continent has come more criticism.

China’s focus on Africa’s resources—mining makes up almost a third of its African investments—has prompted some commentators and African officials to refer to the country as a new imperialist, or neocolonialist.

Beijing vehemently rejects such labels. In the past couple of years, it has sought ways to soften China’s image in Africa. It has aggressively funded the expansion of Africa’s state media to better tell the Chinese side of the story. Several top Chinese leaders have also visited Africa to bolster ties, the most recent being Premier Li Keqiang who toured four countries May 4 to 11.

Beijing has also has touted what China and African countries have in common, including aspirations of material progress and national rejuvenation, or what some call the Chinese and African dreams.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Tian Xuejun, China’s ambassador to South Africa, discussed these shared dreams and why a bigger Chinese media presence in Africa will help “democratize” coverage of the continent.

Edited excerpts:

WSJ: Chinese leaders have promoted the concept of a Chinese dream. Now they also talk about an African dream. What’s the connection between the two?

Mr. Tian: What’s the content of the Chinese dream? Simply the dream is for national prosperity, national rejuvenation and the happiness and well-being of the people. The Chinese people can’t realize this dream without cooperation from the rest of the world.

I have visited 27 African countries and have been in South Africa for almost two years. Africans have their own dreams for stronger countries and better lives for their people. Many of the statesmen and scholars believe the Chinese dream and African dream are interconnected. I fully subscribe to this view.

China and Africa have had similar history, and are faced with similar tasks, especially developing the economy and improving people’s well-being. We have formed a close community of common destiny.

WSJ: Is the talk of Chinese and African dreams an attempt to change the conversation from some of China’s investments in Africa—the criticism that China is investing only to take resources out of Africa, what some people have called a new colonialism?

Mr. Tian: China and Africa are developing. Although China has developed a little bit faster, our economies are highly complementary. During China’s development we have offered our help for the development of other African countries.

South Africa suffered a lot during the financial crisis, and there was a lot of pressure on the economy. But China’s development in recent years has greatly helped the South African economy. For four consecutive years, we have been South Africa’s largest trading partner.

Some media say China assists Africa only for the market and resources, and they talk about “neocolonialism,” but I say these kinds of criticisms are absurd. One reason is that they don’t know much about China-Africa cooperation. Another reason is maybe that they have other agendas.

China has assisted in the building of infrastructure, roads, bridges and railway stations. This has greatly improved the investment environment in many African countries. China has invested in manufacturing and sent agricultural experts to other countries. China also has helped to build many hospitals, schools and stadiums.

People are talking about neocolonialism but what is neocolonialism? People in Africa know very well about colonialism—this is about using gunfire to open the door to Africa to grab their resources. It is China who buys resources with a fair price under internationally recognized rules.

WSJ: Is the Chinese media expansion in Africa part of an effort to tell this story of Chinese investments in Africa you feel has been overlooked? Are perceptions changing?

Mr. Tian: It’s a pity for China’s Africa policy—for African countries progress and achievements—some media aren’t giving fair and objective reports. Instead, they have biased and even distorted news stories. These things smear Africa-China relations.

We have a question of how people in international community can come to have a real and accurate understanding of China. This question is very important because it will help make international media more democratic. China and Africa have strengthened our cooperation in media, but these exchanges haven’t been enough. We have a long way to go.

Source: Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2014, titled “Criticism Leveled at China on Africa Investment Is ‘Absurd,’ Says Ambassador”.

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