Nile| Ethiopia already updating project documents, studies

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The International Panel of Experts commissioned to report on the impact of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has handed its findings to the governments of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. It has produced a lengthy, detailed and technical report after seeing all the documentation for the design, construction and related studies, holding six meetings and making four visits to the Dam site. It submitted one single final report with full consensus, signed by all ten members of the Panel.

It was at the initiative of the Government of Ethiopia that the two downstream countries, Egypt and Sudan, were invited to form the Tripartite International Panel of Experts, to investigate in good faith and in a transparent manner, and share all available information and documentation on the construction of the on-going GERD project. The initiative also was intended to address some of the concerns of the two downstream countries. It was an unprecedented step by Ethiopia aimed to foster cooperation and build confidence among the three Eastern Nile Basin Countries. It was also intended to ensure that Sudan and Egypt could understand the potential shared benefits and impact of the GERD. The final report of the Panel indeed put on record the Panel’s appreciation of the initiative taken by the Government of Ethiopia.

The tripartite committee was composed of 10 experts; two each from Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. The addition of a further four international experts was also suggested by Ethiopia and accepted by Egypt and Sudan.

The mandate of the International Panel of Experts set the objectives of reviewing the design documents of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project; providing transparent information sharing; soliciting understanding of the benefits and costs accruing to each of the three countries; scrutinizing the impacts, if any, of the GERD on the two downstream countries; and building confidence between Ethiopia as an upstream country and the two downstream neighbors. The Panel was also tasked with proposing recommendations to the Governments of the three countries on issues of concern that might be considered in the future.

The final report of the Panel in general made it clear that the on-going GERD project was being undertaken in line with international design criteria and standards. It also specified that the Dam would have significant benefits which would accrue to all the three basin countries as the project would not result in any significant adverse impact on the two downstream countries. Indeed, the report makes no mention of any adverse effects on any of the three countries. It noted that the construction of the GERD did not only benefit Ethiopia in terms of access to energy and jobs, but it would also solve the shortage of power in the region and make it available at significantly less cost. It would solve the problem of siltation in the dams in Sudan and Egypt, a problem that costs millions of dollars in rectification annually, and produce a more constant water flow. The experts were also unanimous in saying that the GERD would solve the problem of the frequent flooding to which the Sudan has been prone. It would reduce evaporation loss, improve water management and enhance rural development in Sudan; and for Egypt it would improve flood control and the flow to the Aswan Dam, reduce evaporation losses by as much as 12%, and by sharply cutting sediment reaching the Aswan Dam, increase its life by up to a hundred years. In general, GERD was identified as producing major benefits overall to the three countries, not least the provision of clean energy for the Nile Basin and the region as a whole. The storage of the GERD will actually bring a new source of water into the system with the effect of its regulation saving significant quantities of water from overbank flow and floodplain loss. All these benefits are detailed in the Panel’s final report.

The Panel also made a number of recommendations. It is now up to the three governments to decide how to carry out these recommendations which are divided into two parts. One set of recommendations are directed to the Government of Ethiopia; the other to the three governments of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan jointly.

Ethiopia has accepted all the recommendations and suggestions directed to it, and indeed it has already begun to update some of the project documents, and the environmental and social assessment studies. It will continue to update other studies to increase the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the project as suggested. It has already begun to respond to the recommendations of the Panel and deal with the engineering aspects of the Dam, concerned with construction detail. Construction will, of course, continue as it is independent of the activities of the Panel.

As regards the recommendations to the three governments, these include the suggestion of further detailed studies of the water resources and hydrology modeling of the whole Eastern Nile system, taking into account that it is proposed to take 5 to 7 years to fill the Dam in order to ensure minimum effects on the flow of the river. Other recommendations are for the three governments to carry out joint further studies on the environment and social impact and a full trans-boundary environmental impact assessments. Ethiopia has made it quite clear that it is prepared to consider these recommendations but they do need Sudanese and Egyptian co-operation.

Ethiopia has consistently assured the Sudan and Egypt that they have everything to gain and nothing to lose from the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The position of the Ethiopian government has been clearly confirmed by the final report of the International Panel of Experts. It underlined that the construction of the Dam as well as Ethiopia’s initiative to invite the two downstream countries to jointly consult and deliberate on the GERD project deserved to be welcomed. The final report of the Panel clearly shows the GERD project is being undertaken with professional competence and with due regard to internationally recognized standards and criteria as well as the concerns of the downstream countries. The necessary studies and designs of the project are being conducted as required at different stages. They are going to be updated to address some of the concerns raised in the Panel’s report as necessary.

Ethiopia’s position is very clear. It has the report and it accepts all the recommendations made by the Panel in good faith. It hopes Egypt will now come and discuss the next stage with Ethiopia and Sudan, to implement the recommendations made by the Panel for the three governments. In the meantime, the construction of the project within the required international standards as the Panel has confirmed, will continue.


Source: A Week in the Horn – the weekly bulletin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – June 14, 2013 issue, titled  “The International Panel of Experts’ report on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.”


View Comments (7)

  • “The reason we chose to build the largest dam in Africa is to show to the Egyptians that if we are successful with this grand dam, nothing will stop us from building many other smaller dams over the Nile”. The dead Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles, in a speech to the Ethiopian parliament.
    This quote from the deceased Ethiopian dictator’s speech is a clear indication of Ethiopia’s sinister long term plan to build more dams on the Blue Nile. He scornfully referred to Egypt’s incessant opposition to any dam and said that Ethiopia cognizant of this fact, rather decided to challenge Egypt’s stance by inaugurating the largest dam in Africa. Ethiopia has a hydroelectric power capacity of 45,000 MW and that means it could have used its other several rivers instead of focusing on the Nile that they knew pretty well will reduce the quantity and quality of water reaching Egypt. Worse still, there are three more dams planned to be built on the Nile including for irrigation. Egypt’s 8,000-year-old civilization owes its existence to the uninterrupted flow of the Nile. I share Egypt’s concern and anger. This dam should be stopped before it is too late.

    • Dany, your argument is quite pathetic scientifically and politically. Among the 45K u mentioned as Ethiopia potential virtually 30K is either on the Nile river or its major tributaries. This means targeting Nile like what the late PM said is the right one. In fact u and the likes can't swallow the reality because of your arrogance or lack of understanding the Nile geopolitics. Please also don't try to advocate your failed propaganda on this comment thread. Am not a fan of the PM or EPRDF, but the dam has nothing to do with either of them.

    • Dany,

      You have a right to say whatever you want. Ethiopia lost Millions of Children & mothers due to famine and poverty. I am against the former PM. Meles's point of view in many points, however, I support the idea of building this dam. Many people they don't want to educate themselves and they neglect a huge facts. According to NY Times news article on 1927, King Haile Selassie signed a contract with American company to build a dam on the Blue Nile. He had a plan to sale water to Colonial G. Britain and he wanted to improve his people standard of living. What I mean here is the idea is not PM. Meles only, the idea existed before 1927.

      You need to understand that water is a natural resources like oil and gas. All Africans have to benefit from their water resources whether we like it or not. Mothers and Children in Ethiopia suffer everyday due to poverty, famine and lack of energy and health care.

      The enemy of Ethiopians such as the slaves of Isaias Afewerki choose to stand against Ethiopians and black Africans interest as the former colonial powers did.

      Lesotho is a small country surrounded by powerful South Africa. Lesotho get paid in billions for her water resources from South Africa. Ethiopians deserve the same right as the citizens of Lesotho. Egypt needs to take lesson from South Africa, and it needs to pay the right price for others natural resources/

    • My friend you said "Egypt’s 8,000-year-old civilization owes its existence to the uninterrupted flow of the Nile." but Ethiopia and other upper riparian countries are saying we want to use the water for electric power generation for now and irrigation at some level.Nothing will remain the same in the coming years. Things are changing at a very fast pace. It is high time that Egypt's hydrologists should utilize their long experience and work towards effective use of the Nile water, alternative water sources like desalination of sea water.

  • Water is a natural resource like Oil and gas. As Turkey says Ethiopia has full right on her water resources, as Egypt does on her oil, gas and tourism income.

    If the dam filling delayed 5 to 7 years, our the return on investment will suffer significantly. Which also means our development through power generation, and its cyclical effect in manufacturing, service, agriculture, export & financial industry will delay and suffer as a result of Egypt bullying.

    Also, its not fair for poor Ethiopians and Ethiopian banks to finance this dam, and tell them to suffer economically just to accommodate selfish Egypt's interest.

    Our government needs to study how Lesotho, Canada ( through Columbia river), Turkey and Malaysia(exporting 40% of Singapore's water for the last 50 years) are benefiting from their water resources.

    Someone may oppose these proven practice by mentioning non existing law; whether it exist or not the powerful governments created it to keep their unjust interest. These unjust governments as colonial era, they want take free or share our natural resources; however, they want to sale their natural resources even if its a dirt.

    Therefore, black Africans deserve benefiting from their water resources as Egyptians citizens benefit from their oil, gas & tourism income.

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