Egyptian politicians discuss anti-Ethiopian sabotage, rebels

Associated Press reported from Cairo on Monday:

Politicians meeting with Egypt’s president have proposed hostile acts against Ethiopia, including backing rebels and carrying out sabotage, to stop it from building a massive dam over the Nile River.

Some of the politicians attending Monday’s meeting with President Mohammed Morsi appeared unaware it was being carried live on TV. Morsi did not directly react to the suggestions.

Morsi called the meeting to review the impact of Ethiopia’s dam on Egypt’s share of the Nile’s water.

Younis Makhyoun, leader of an ultraconservative Islamist party, said Egypt should back rebels in Ethiopia or, as a last resort, destroy the dam. Liberal politician Ayman Nour proposed spreading rumors about Egypt obtaining advanced warplanes to scare the Ethiopians.

Egypt has in the past threatened to go to war to preserve its water share.

On the other hand, Agance France Press reported from Cairo on the same day:

President Mohamed Mursi Monday warned that Egypt would not allow its share of the Nile to be diminished by “one drop” after Ethiopia began diverting the Blue Nile as part of a giant dam project.

“We cannot let even one drop of Nile water be affected,” Mursi said during talks with political and religious leaders broadcast live on state television.

The talks revolved around a report of a tripartite Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia commission on Ethiopia’s decision to divert the Blue Nile for a massive dam project, sparking fears of a major impact on downstream states Egypt and Sudan.

“It is necessary that we take steps to ensure Egyptian water security,” Mursi said on his official Twitter account without elaborating.

“The current situation necessitates unity among our ranks to prevent any threat against Egypt.”

Egyptian officials estimate that Ethiopia’s move is largely technical and will not alter the water flow that is vital for both Egypt and Sudan.

But Khaled al-Kazzaz, an adviser to Mursi, said the issue was one of “national security” for Egypt, with the cabinet last Wednesday reiterating that Cairo was opposed to all projects which could affect the flow of the Nile.

The Blue Nile joins the White Nile in Khartoum to form the Nile river which flows through Sudan and Egypt before emptying into the Mediterranean.

Ethiopia has begun diverting the Blue Nile 500 meters from its natural course to construct a $4.2 billion (3.2 billion euro) hydroelectric project known as Grand Renaissance Dam.

The first phase of construction is expected to be complete in three years, with a capacity of 700 megawatts. Once complete the dam will have a capacity of 6,000 megawatts.


[Stay tuned]


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  • The ownesr of The grand Ethiopian Renaisance dam are all Ethiopians they are contribute all what is expected from them.The employees of the dam are working day and night to fulfil the dream of the country by suffering challenges like its hot about 47 degree.The owners of this dam is not only Ethiopians but all african neighbours are beneficial.therefore, if Egyptians are not supportive to this very important dam for african development they are the main obstacles for africa.So africans must oppose and take action in such selfish countries they dream hostile issues in the world.the dam has no negative impact on Egypt and sudan as per the report by the tecnical committee. therefore the negative is only in the mind of some selfish egyptians.Therefore, We respect the advantage of Egyptians because they are our friends, we will share the same resource and it will increase interaction b/n us.we can work together at any where any time.But if Egyptians going against Ethiopia they will have many enemies because Ethiopia has very high diplomatic relation with all countries of the world except with keep silent.we are not selfish like Egyptians because we are Africans.Africans need to create integration b/n them we are in globalized world we have to think like civilized a days world is becoming a single village sharing of resources very vitale.Ethiopia is not saying "this river is mine". It is saying "we have to work and benefit together" this is highly modern thinking it must be apprecaiated by Egyptians.Finally, I would like to Mehammed Elbaraday for his positive contribution to the world when he was chair man of the "Atomic Energy" and his respect to Ethiopians and Sudans people by asking Morsi to make an official applogies for the iresponsible which is unexpected from one country with a government and state.

  • I can't say that such politician will be there any way to use the opportunity that may allow them to grab the power. But I don't think they are living and talking in 21 st century. As to my mind most Egyptians may not agree with their thinking which is far behind the century and the idea that can't let the Nile to spring from Egypt and flow to the seven denied countries Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and so forth. From Ethiopian said, we are saying if I they didn't heard enough is enough. It is our time and birth right to use our resources in any possible ways. Historically, they have to learn that one of that Ethiopians are not even now all the time we stood as one mind in time of National interest. The Egypt also need to be aware about the out come of international task force study on the consequence of the dam in lower basin countries (Egypt & Sudan).

    Rather we (Ethiopians) then while denied for decades and today are saying time and again that negotiation is better for all of us. The old fashion that may benefit few power mongers will not benefit the entire Egyptians.

    God Bless Ethiopia!

  • ሰዎችዬ... እቺ ውይይቱ በስህተት ነው የተላለፈው የምለው ፉገራ እንዴት ተመቸችኝ መሰላቹ... ድሮ ድሮ ኤለመንታሪ እያለሁ የእረፍት ሰዓት ስንወጣ ሌላ ክላሥ ውስጥ የሚማር አንዱ ጓደኛችን ተደብቆ ይጠብቀንና በእርግጫ ተማቶ የቀልድ ነው ይለናል... እኛስ የቀልድ እርግጫ አያምረንም እንዴ... እየዘለልን ዶጭ ነዋ!!! ከዛ በቃ የቀልድ ነው የተባለው, የእረፍት ፔሬድ ማብቂያ እስከሚደወል ድረስ መዳቆስ ነበር...ቂቂቂቂቂቂቂቂ... አሁን ደሞ ካፈጀን በሁላ ግብጦች የልባቸውን ተናግረው መልክታቸውን ካስተላለፉ ብኋላ... አይ, በስህተት ነው የተላለፈው...!!! እንዴ? መልክቱ የተላለፈው በስህተትም ይሁን በኮንትሮባንድ ... እኛ ደርሶናል... ኣራት ነጥብ:: በቃ...ምላሹን ደሞ ከመንግስታችን እንተብቃለን!!! እንደውም ካሁን በኋላ አይደለም ለጦርነት, ከኛጋ ስብሰባ እንኳን ለመቀመጥ ግብጦች ማሟላት የሚኖርባቸው ቅድመ ሁነታዎች ልናስቀምጥባቸው ሁሉ ይገባናል:: እንዴ, ዋስትና የሚባለው ነገር ዋስ ይሁነና! በነገራችን ላይ አንደኛው ግብጣዊ ሰውዬ ግን በሳቅ ነው የገደለኝ... ቂቂቂቂቂቂቂ አለም ዱቅ ብሎ ላይቭ በቴሌቭዥን እየመነጠረው "bluffing እንንፋባቸው" አለ?...ቂቂቂቂቂቂቂቂቂ ካስታወሳችሁት ባለፈው እዚሁ ብሎግ ላይ ፖስት ለተደረገ አርቲክል ላይ ኮሜንት ሳዋጣ,"..... መሳቂያችን ሆነው ቀሩ! በፊት በሻእቢያና ተከታዮቹ እንስቅ እንደበር ነበር……. ዘንድሮ ደሞ እግዚያብሄር ግብጾችን ጣለልን :D
    በስፕሪንግ ረቮሉሽን ፋሽን ተንጠው አገራቸውን መቀመቅ ካወረዱ ቡሃላ, ትክክለኛ መረጃ እንኳን ማጣጣም አልቻሉም… የባቢሎን ውድቀት ይሏቿል ይሄ ነው !!!" ብዬ ነበር... ኣሁንም ይደገምልኝ:: ቂቂቂቂቂቂቂ

    ወገን; ውይይታቸውን በስህተትም ይሁን በእውቀት ያስተላልፉት እኛን ለያከራክረንና ሊያሳስበን አይገባም...ዋናው ነገር የድግሳቸውን ሜኑ ማስመንጠራቸው ነው!!! እኛ ደሞ ከተቻለ በዲፕሎማሲ መንገድ ድግሳቸውን ለቅሶ ቤት ማድረግ... ካልሆነ ደሞ ፕላን "ቢ" ን ማንሸራሸር ነው!!!

  • Dear Ethiopian brothers, I have been checking various webpages and I was surprised to see an Ethiopian response on every one of them. But, please lets us stop all these 'we were never colonized', 'battle of Gura and Gundet' type of talk. I personally have many worries about the dam but if it comes to protecting it I am all for it. But I am concerned about one the location, too close to the border amid when the government accepted the Gwen line of demarcation which gave a chunk of our land to Sudan. Second the government can not aspire to embark on such sensitive project without winning the hearts and minds of Ethiopians. Whether we like it or not, there are all sorts of rebels moving around, so the government should have at least addressed that entirely before embarking on this project. Second, though ETV tells that Ethiopians are united, I argue that on the ground they are so divided that they are chasing out eachother from region to region as if we are people of different regions. Second, I myself being from a Tigrayan mom, I used to remember how she used to talk in fervor about Ethiopia and our flag. But now, I am not sure about the number (whether they are few or many), but i am truly shocked to see some of my Tigrayan brothers and sisters to talk of tigray first and Ethiopia second, at times only waving the regional flag and not the Ethiopian. Same goes to the some Oromo brothers and sisters as well as Ogaden. People, I personally have no ethnic issues with any one, I even wish if the entire human race learns to see the humanness in others. We may choose to downplay the gravity of this problem and deceive ourselves that it doesn't exist. Or we can face it and address it!!! I say the problem exists. Fellow Ethiopians, aren't we people who inter-married and bred for centuries, isn't our fate sealed as one people, Ethiopians! So why all this division. Trust me, I am all up for the respect of the language, traditions , etc of all groups in our country. But I fear that we are going about it the wrong way. Atleast some are. So please let us be one!!! If we atleast can not see the humanness in another human, let us see the Ethiopianess in a fellow Ethiopian. Lets us love, forgive one another. Let no wage come between us. Then we are invincible. Trust me Ethiopia will truly become a great nation if we love and forgive. I hope you will take my little message in all sincerity and kind heart.

  • Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat, chairman of the liberal Reform and Development Party said "...everybody in Africa can be bribed."
    Continuing, "As you know Mr. president the Africans in general can be put against each other.
    AT 5:33, he's saying the Egyptian football team are champions in Africa. They along with the Egyptian churches can be used to our benefit. The military option is very hard to make happen. Plus N & S Sudan are not clear on the issue, so that leaves places like Eritrea, Somalia and I mean through things like intelligence, I mean they (Africans) can finish each other off. This is our right, we don't need to go direct though, but we can go indirectly.
    At 3:15 he is saying the third option a military option. He is saying that the Ethiopian newspaper are saying that Egypt does not have the military capabilities to attach Ethiopia. and Sudan will not allow such action. AT 4:16 he's saying that even though I like wars, I like wars with the enemy Israel & America. Then he is handed a paper saying the meeting is broadcast-ed live, so he says he is not saying a secret. So the president tells him again, that's why he laughs and they all laugh.

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