Nile| Egyptian official: PM Hailemariam agreed “on 3 principles”

Egyptian official claims that agreement has been reached with PM Haqilemariam Desalegne, who is in Tokyo.

Daily News Egypt reported today:

Prime Minister Hesham Qandil and his Ethiopian counterpart Hailemariam Desalegn agreed on “three principles” in dealing with Ethiopia’s construction of their Grand Renaissance Dam, according to Cabinet Spokesman Alaa Al-Hadidy.

The two prime ministers met in Tokyo on the sidelines of the Fifth International Conference on African Development, which began on Saturday and runs until Monday.

The first principle agreed upon between Qandil and Desalegn was that the dam would not affect Egypt’s share of Nile water.

Secondly, Qandil said that Egypt’s position was clear and would strongly uphold and insist that Ethiopia hold its commitments and prior agreements moving forward.

The two sides also agreed to wait for a committee made up of Sudanese, Egyptian, and Ethiopian experts to publish a report after inspecting the dam. The report is expected to detail the effects the dam would have on Egypt and Sudan.

Despite what the spokesperson claimed, it is doubtful that PM Hailemariam would recognize what Egypt calls her share of Nile waters.

In a related development, Egypt State Information Service reported today that the International Panel of Experts (a.k.a., Tripartite committee) issued its final report. The news claimed:

A tripartite committee comprising representatives from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia in addition to international water experts wrapped up its final session in Addis Ababa on Friday 31/3/2013 by issuing a final report on the impact of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the three African countries.

The report will be submitted to the governments of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia to see what necessary action should be taken in case the dam is found to have negative impacts on any of the three countries.

The committee urged the necessity of holding dialogue among the governments of the three countries to discuss the technical remarks and recommendations of the committee.

The report came after six sessions of talks that started officially on May 8, 2012 and were held in Cairo, Khartoum and Addis Ababa.

However, there are expectations that Experts will recommend further studies rather than providing conclusions on the impact of the dam.


[Stay Tuned]


View Comments (10)

  • The ”Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam” Or ”The Grand Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopian ”Renaissance Dam? AND the Stooge AigaForum

    Now we are informed that the Ethiopian PM Hailemariam has already announced on October 7 2013 that he not only wellcomes the the participation of Egypt and Sudan in the construction of of the dam but also has already made a policy statment that the Ethiopian government conciders the dam to be jointly owned by Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt which Cairo for obvious reasons has already viewd the policy statment as a positive step toward reaching a concensus. Furthermore, as the saying goes if you allow the devil to eat your small finger, next he demands for the whole hand and finally the entire body.
    It is also reported that Egypt is preparing a draft agreement where the Egyptians offer includes full participation in the construction, managment and operation of the dam, by dispapathing Egyptian engineers who specialize in the field of dam construction; the signing of agreement with the Ethiopian side on sending to Ethiopia a permanent Egyptian water mission that will be stationed at the dam; and Egypt's participation in the funding and working as an intermediatory to obtain aid and International loans and grants to finance dam construction.
    What is the point here?
    Our new PM Hailemariam is surrendering to Ethiopia's Neo-Colonialism by Egypt. This is the mother of deception and treason aganist the Ethiopian people who without any reservation trusted their government and gave theier monthely salery and bought bonds both within the country and Ethiopians/ Ethiopian origin generousely gave for free and also bought bonds just to find out that we and Ethiopia is sold out in broad daylight by the incompitent EPRDF PM Hailemariam who was promoted to the post just because his wife is an Eritrean/ Tigray origin.
    In the U.S.A during Jefferson's Presidential adminstration, Rodney Cox, from North Carolina was discovered in the act of providing information regarding the American naval forces capability to secure American shores. President Jefferson served as the sole member of the firing squad and with a single bullet dispathced from a flint lock rifle, Cox received a fatal wound and was killed.

    It is not a question of shame but very far from being a question of shame that the mouthpiece of the TPLF/EPRDF AigaForum is glorifying this Neo-Colonialism by Egypt and the deception and treason of the TPLF/EPRDF pupet PM Hailemariam.

    In this case at least the EPRDF PM Hailemariam must voluntarily and unconditionally must submit his resignation immediately without any delay for his saleout and ignorasnt deception and treason aganist the Ethiopian people within the country and around the world and mother Ethiopia.

    Amanuel Wesenie is fully responsible for the article. I urge everybody to check out AigaForum and that stooges comment written in red.

  • let us ethiopians concentrate on the construction of the dam first, then the massive water resorvior by it self serves the role of nuclear dettering factor. the second we need to do is to regulate the flow of the main tributaries so as to reduce silt sedimentation in the Grand Rennisance Dam. let them bark like dogs

  • Ethiopia can take into ' consideration' Egypt's interest, but acknowledging its ' illegal quota' is contrary to International law. Egyptian media are talking about taking their case to the International Court of Justice in the Hague, to my surprise. I betcha, at minimum, the Court will allocate a ' quota' of sort, which suits me fine. The Ethiopian politicans are talking from both sides of their mouths and this is neither the time to talk about illegal quotas. Speaking of which, no quota is set aside for Ethiopia judging by all the reference given in Egyptian arguments. I am disappointed with all the statements coming out of Ethiopia which are hamstringing our vital national interest. As our officials don't seem to know what they are talking about or the consequence thereoff. The National interest of Ethiopia will be better served if the case were to go to The Hague. I have more confidence in the Justices in Hague than any of the so called ' notable politicians' who are ' scared' of raising issue pertaining to Ethiopia's natural right to the waters of the river which eminates in its territory. The Egyptians have all but announced war the moment when their President summoned his Defence minster, his security chief when discussing the issue of the ' diversion'. Judging by the lack of ' competence' of various officials from Berket to Hailmariam,. the Hague is the only venue which will guarantee our legitimate natural right. At minimum, we will either be compensated or given quota in accordance with precedents and norms of international law regulating ' trans national' rivers. I will contribute to a ' legal fund' to have competent lawyers arguing on our behalf. I doubt if any of the govt officials or their legal experts can talk the talk and walk the walk.

  • This is just a political move on part of egypt to cool things down back in cairo. "Agreement" reachhed at the sideline of another meeting!I don't think so. we have noothing to lose whatsoever. We will talk some senseless thing as long as they need it for thier internal politics like "egypt will keep her share.","we will fill the dam in 20 years." and .....They may go to war but it will not change the fact that the sourc will still be here.They may bring arab league,ICJ,suez canal,...but will never work. Let them block chinese vessels from using suez canal,they will learn a good lesson.This is not a question of building a dam.At least not anymore.

  • What ever the report have prons and cons no one can stpos us from constructing the dam because the river is our natural gift .if Egypt tries to take military action I and the rest 90 min people doesn'nt hesitate to counterpart because we all ethiopian people have finger prints on the dam!

  • What is this?
    "The first principle agreed upon between Qandil and Desalegn was that the dam would not affect Egypt’s share of Nile water." I think this agreement seems dangerous. What does the Eygpt's share mean? which share? There is no legal framework agreemnt justifying the Egypt's share of Nile waters. They, both parties, need to recognize that this agreemnt holds no value. We Ethiopians neither accept the 1929 nor 1959 colonial agreements and there is no other representative framework as Egyptians did neither sign the CFA.

    "Secondly, Qandil said that Egypt’s position was clear and would strongly uphold and insist that Ethiopia hold its commitments and prior agreements moving forward." This by itself introduces some obligations on Ethiopia. "Egypt’s position was clear and would strongly uphold and insist that Ethiopia hold its commitments and prior agreements moving forward" and especially " ... prior agreements moving forward". Are there any prior agreements reached by both parties? "...prior.." is not appropriate. Still the second article might feel to follow the first in reasoning.

    "The two sides also agreed to wait for a committee made up of Sudanese, Egyptian, and Ethiopian experts to publish a report after inspecting the dam. The report is expected to detail the effects the dam would have on Egypt and Sudan." How about the results? and what actions to be taken afterwards?....

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