Egyptian press highlights anger at Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam [BBC media monitoring]

[A reader of Danielberhane’s blog paid the required fee to make the following text available for Ethiopian readers]

Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam is the main theme of Egyptian newspapers on 29 May.

Today’s dailies highlight the news of diverting the Blue Nile course to build the dam on their front pages, with some papers describing it as an act of war or a move that requires a military reaction. The story is also the main focus of today’s editorials and commentaries, which are divided between attacking Ethiopia for building the dam and blaming Egypt’s policies for this situation.Grand Ethiopian Renaissance dam reservoirGrand Ethiopian Renaissance dam reservoir

Front pages

All of today’s checked papers cover news of Ethiopia’s diversion of the Blue Nile course to build the Renaissance Dam on their front pages. “Even the Nile has been lost; Ethiopia bids ‘Morsi’ farewell by diverting the Blue Nile’s course to build the ‘Renaissance Dam’,” reads the headline of the privately-owned daily Al-Watan.

“Diverting Blue Nile’s course sparks off a flood of Egyptian anger,” reads the headline of the state-owned daily Al-Akhbar.

Some papers, even, focused on the calls for taking military action against Ethiopia.

“Calls for a military action against Ethiopia increase,” reads the headline of the Islamist-oriented daily Al-Misriyun.

“As soon as Morsi’s visit ends, Ethiopia beats the drums of a water war against Egypt,” reads the headline of the privately-owned daily Al-Yawm al-Sabi.

Others stressed the difference between the public and official reaction to the news.

“Official belittling and experts’ exaggeration of the effects of diverting the Blue Nile’s course,” reads the headline of the state-owned daily Al-Ahram.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) Freedom and Justice Party, on the other hand, adopted the official stance to the effect of waiting until the experts’ committee’s report on the dam is issued.

“Today, the tripartite committee’s report to decide on the Renaissance Dam’s fate,” the paper’s headline reads.


The dam is also the main theme of today’s editorials and commentaries.

In its editorial, the state-owned daily Al-Ahram says: “The fact that Addis Ababa acted before the [experts’ committee] report is announced and declared the diversion of the Blue Nile course means that Ethiopia does not count a lot on the tripartite committee’s opinion and will continue building [the dam].” “It is necessary to start taking a serious and strict action at the international level and to use all cards in our hands to protect our interests; the national security is facing a catastrophic threat so please wake up,” he says.

In the state-owned daily Al-Akhbar, Amany Durgham says: “It is Ethiopia’s right as a state to do what it wants in its natural resources; it is our bad luck that we are bearing the sour fruit of long years, in which Egypt forgot its African extension.” “The important thing now is that we return trust between Egypt and its southern neighbours and to adhere to our international right to the River Nile with all politeness,” she says.

In the privately-owned daily Al-Shuruq, Imad-al-Din Husayn says: “Normally, we should have many pressure cards to protect our rights.” “It is not logical that the card of threatening to intervene militarily becomes the first option,” he says. “The logical thing is to have major economic interests that convince any country in the Nile Basin that it will lose a lot if it made any project that harms Egypt,” he says. “In the issue of the Renaissance Dam, we need to have an internal agreement, a unified vision, negotiations and meetings with the Ethiopian side and the rest of the basin countries and to extend our hand for cooperation with the African brothers; when we use up all these solutions and our interests really get threatened, then we can think about the military solution,” he says.

In the privately-owned daily Al-Tahrir, the paper’s editor-in-chief Ibrahim Isa says: “Ethiopia gave the ruling system in Egypt a painful and humiliating slap.” “The response [of Egypt] is belittling and nonsense or exaggeration but no real, aware, quick and practical response,” he says.

In the privately-owned daily Al-Misri al-Yawm, Muhammad Salmawi says: “It is no longer a secret that the Renaissance Dam that exceeds Ethiopia’s financial and technical capabilities will be implemented via support from Israel and under US sponsorship.” “In addition to the great harm that will be done to Egypt by the Ethiopian dam, it is really regrettable that [one of] the founding state of the African unity, which was established by Egypt under Abd-al-Nassir’s rule with the aim of supporting the independence of the continent’s countries, comes after half a century to follow the orders of one of the world powers, i.e. the USA, and subdue to the influence of one of the small countries, which is Israel,” he says.



View Comments (38)

  • We do not beg Egyptians by our own property if they continue on their bully.if they attack us they would get heavy consequence. They even should beg us for negotiation for the idiot stance they stood on.It is not difficult for us to control on our property without their jets reach and exposure so that we can make them off the game without forgetting our military reaction. you know we don't have to only dam if we have to use our water, where there are hundreds of village tributaries that can be diverted from their respective courses and use it and then we can apportion it to the extent that suffices only to Sudan and send it. then we will see them when they came and live with us or fight on our land. Egyptians rulers didn't learn their people how to work rather being a recipient of arms from Russia now from USA financial and moral support from Arab countries and water from Ethiopia this made them to be reliant and hypnotize rs that made them not to even try alternatives including removing salt from sea water, using ground water, making a maximum use out of little/ increasing water productivity/ that they should learn from Israel and even Libya and other scientific alternatives. This is for the force loving probably minor Egyptians.

  • no body stops our dam,may be after all deaths of we Ethiopian's!. i think today we are good in politics,economy,social backgrounds as well as in all living standards as relative to the previous time. so, every one knows our unity and strength what we have towards external enemy. we look who comes to our dam and we give greeting or fire. dear Egyptian's come on don't afraid !!!!!!

  • yared A.
    The reason why we don't say Mursi, his attack or provocation on Ethiopia on the great dam case /while there is no reason of losing the water/ costs Egypt by any means on her vital property is because M.Mursi is tensioned by the question of Egyptians on his power, and he would like to relive this tension by any means and he chose this case even-though it is untimely /after the experts reported the non negative impact of the dam on Egypt or Sudan/. As the result, the forthcoming foreign minister delegation to Ethiopia should or would not expect any additional article from Ethiopia that would control /share/her property on her land or stop the project, rather than to pass through a zero sum game with Ethiopia so that they could confuse Egypt people and divert their attention. the late PM.Meles stated about the untouched volume of water and the power generated and shared to surrounding countries that could benefit all of us not about the Egyptian access to share our dam on our land.And if there are minor mad intention about using force then they should recall our previous history while we were using backward rifle, we did not compromise on our country's right rather we fought and did not kneel down and you know the result, and we would continue this if we are forced to enter in an unjust war and they should also think about the coming result too. But the Egyptian community has repeatedly assured the mutual cooperation that we benefit together and we would rather also expect this interest of the Egypt people.

  • We are Ethiopian's if Egyptians need us to fight, we are wellcomed them and show to them how we are struggling to our interest and our capability to harm our enemies. Finally l would like to told one thing for Egyptian politicians and officials "please memorise our past exprience"

  • Dear Politicians of Egypt!

    The TV show on what you have in mind taught us a lot of lessons. Do not belittle the mighty Ethiopians. We will never forget what you did in separation of Eritrea and losing access to port. Also what you did in Ogaden. Al-amity GOD/Allah will and is paying you for what you did for 90 million people of Ethiopia. This is law of GOD/Allah. But we are not like you and never forget and affect ordinary Egyptians. No body in this planet will stop us from building the Renaissance Dam. We are also sure that it will not affect Egypt's people water needs. You have a lot of options including ground water exploration, desalinization of ocean...etc. Be transparent to your people
    In stead of dying in starvation we prefer all options you have on table. Be wise like the Pharaohs who are Africans. Use the gray cells of your brain. Boasting, shouting....etc is not the order of the present time.

    Fikadu Meshesha

  • What Ethiopia is doing is to the best interest of sudan and egypt alike , If egypt neglects such a friendly offer and go a head with its agly acts emanated from its agrressive past then it is putting all its eggs in one basket . Egypt you better accept for your good ethiopias offer .the old days are gone , we are in the new era.

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