The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Eritrea has continued to support anti-peace forces engaged in destabilizing peace and security in the surrounding countries due to lack of strength in the implementation of sanctions imposed on it by the UN Security Council.
In an exclusive interview with ENA here Monday, Spokesperson of the Ministry, Ambassador Dina Mufti said that Eritrea is providing direct and indirect support to terrorists in Somalia.
Eritrea is also helping anti-peace forces enter into the Ethiopian territory, Ambassador Dina said, adding, the Eritrean government is engaged in an activity bent on destabilizing the peace and security of Ethiopia.
He stressed the need for the international community to strengthen implementation of the sanctions to make Eritrea stop its interference in the affairs of other countries and destabilizing peace and security in the surrounding countries.
The Spokesperson said Ethiopia would take appropriate measures based on the international law if the Eritrean government continues its terrorist acts against Ethiopia’s sovereignty.
He said the international community has given recognition to the newly elected government of Somalia while the Eritrean government has not yet given recognition to that government.
Ethiopia is giving shelter to refugees coming from Eritrea and other African countries as it abides by the international law, the Spokesperson said, adding, in particular thousands of Eritrean refugees are living in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian government has enabled them benefit from different opportunities including education service.
He also expressed Ethiopia’s readiness to negotiation if the Eritrean government refrains from its destructive acts, interference in the affairs of the surrounding countries and destabilizing peace.
The U.N. Security Council, the African Union and other international organizations have condemned Eritrea for its subversive activities bent on destabilizing East African region.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency – May 7, 2013. Originally titled “Ministry: Eritrea continues supporting anti-peace forces”

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