Fifty students from the Republic of South Sudan’s state of Eastern Equatoria are going to benefit from three-year university scholarships at Hawassa University in Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan, Ambassador Fre Tesfamichael Tesfatsion announced that scholarships had been granted by the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State government under the strategic partnership agreement signed Ethiopia and the Republic of South Sudan earlier this year. The announcement was welcomed by the Republic of South Sudan’s Deputy Minister for General Education and Instruction, Rebecca Joshua Okwaci, who praised the Ethiopian government for providing the opportunity, describing education as one of the key priorities of the Republic of South Sudan. Ambassador Fre indicated that another twenty students might also be going to Makelle University on similar scholarships. He said that while education was a priority in the bilateral agreement signed by the two countries in March, the agreement also included sectoral agreements on peace, security, service, governance and the economy. He noted that the two countries had “to work together if we are to develop together”, and encouraged prospective students to use the initiative as an
opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge that were needed to make positive contributions to their own communities.
* Originally published on A Week in the Horn – Oct. 25, 2012 issue, titled “Students from the Republic of South Sudan get scholarships Ethiopia”. Items from A Week in the Horn are re-published here with a permission to do so.
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