Highlights: PM Hailemariam’s briefing to the House

On Good governance, democratization and foreign relations

Prime Minister Hailemarim responded as well to question that dealt with good governance, democratization and foreign relations. In response to a question regarding quality of education, Hailemariam explained  activities carried out to ensure quality of education in all levels of education. He said encouraging results has been achieved through the implementation of quality assurance packages in all levels of education and technical and vocation trainings. Citing the rise in students passing technical schools exit exams as instance showcasing the results of the packages, he said “ further activities relating to capacity building of teachers will be carried out this year “. In issues of ensuring good governance, he stressed that without the participation of the public, political parties the government’s efforts will not bear fruits. He added that “the government will take action deftly in accordance with the law on members of the civil service indulged in practices of maladministration.” Reiterating the resolve of the government he said “ we will penalize them without mercy and sympathy “. In issues of democratization, he reiterated the government‘s readiness to work with political parties that are working within the bounds of the constitution and other relevant laws. He emphasized the government readiness to work with all parties that uphold the constitution and “genuinely committed to the democratization process”. In relation to the Ethiopia’s foreign policy, Hailemariam underscored Ethiopia’s unwavering commitment to peace and stability of the region. He said, Ethiopia has been playing great roles in resolving intra and interstate conflicts through diplomatic and peace keeping efforts within the auspices of IGAD in particular. He lauded the successful negotiation of Sudan and south Sudan and the formation of a new government in Somali as great achievements made possible because of relentless effort of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi . He said, “Ethiopia will continue its support to efforts of stability and security of the region as our development is intertwined with the development of the region”. He also underscored Ethiopia’s readiness to work towards regional economic integration to ensure lasting peace and stability. He also responded to the growing meneac of fundumenatlism. He said " the governmnet will respect the freedom of relegion." adding that " it will not interfere in the affairs of relegion as relegion will not do the same in poltical affairs". However he said " the governmnet will not tolerate political activties carriedout under the guise of relegion ". He emphaised that the governmnt will take every necessary measure in a bid to ensure observance of the constitution.

On the Economy

Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn responded to questions posed by MP’s Yesterday (October 16) in a session held to discuss and ratify proposed Motions of Thanks on President Girma Woldegiorgis’s speech. Speaking about the second year performance of the GTP, Hailemariam hailed the results as “encouraging”. He in particular noted that the industry sector has shown 15% growth while national saving increased from 6% to 9%. He said “Inflation which stands out as a major challenge of the economy has also lowered from a staggering 40% to 19% as a result of policy measures taken by the government. He added that “to further lower the inflation in to a single digit, the government will continue implementing different measures aimed at reducing money circulating within the market through different policy instruments that includes selling of foreign currency. Importation and distribution of basic commodities such as sugar, wheat and edible oil will also continue to stabilize market prices and control inflation, according to him. In addition, he noted that the government has created more than 1.1 million jobs through the small and micro enterprises over the past year to reduce and unemployment and fight inflation. Responding to a question on the availability of foreign currency, Hailmariam said “as remittance, grants and loans and foreign currency generated through exports are increasing within the current fiscal year,  there is no shortage of foreign currency “adding that much of the confusion on the matter was caused by some speculative businessmen who were in spree to secure foreign currency beyond their immediate demands. Discussing the overall performance of the economy he said” an average 11.7% growth has been recorded in the past several years and the same more than 11% growth is expected in this fiscal year.” He stressed in unequivocal terms that the country is in the right track to achieve what is envisaged in the Growth and Transformation Plan. Also he noted that environmental protection and conservation activities carried out over the year have created suitable springboard to build industry led green economy in the coming three years.

On the Status of Ongoing Mega Projects

Prime Minister Hailemariam briefed the house on the status of the ongoing mega projects that includes the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), sugar, and fertilizer factories and railway infrastructure. He said, despite the mild delay in sugar projects the implementation of the projects were encouraging. He added that the performance over the past year was a clear signal to achievability of the targets set in the GTP over the coming three years. In relation to getting finances for the projects, he said loans are secured from India, Turkey and China to finance railway projects. He also noted that the Addis Ababa- Djibouti railway project which is accorded primacy to address problems of importing capital goods has started in June. Also he said “11 % of the GERD is so far completed” adding that “the construction of the dam is progressing according to the timeline set in the plan”. Asked whether lack of finances may delay the construction of the dam, he said “from the outset we have decided to build the dam through local fiancés. In that regard we are sucesfull in increasing national saving’s to 9% which is one the major of potential source of finances to the project”. He also touched up on problems related to quality of service in telecom and electric power and on ways devised to tackle the problems.


Source: MFA – Oct. 17 and 18, 2012 updates.

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