EPRDF's Statement after electing Hailemariam Desalegn[full text]

A Statement Released by the Council of Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front /EPRDF/

The Council of the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front /EPRDF/ has concluded successfully today the meeting it commenced on 14th of September 2012. In the meeting, the council has discussed the document entitled ‘’let us realize the Meles / EPRDF/ vision by ensuring the rule of the practice of developmental democratic outlook’’, the document prepared earlier by the great leader devising the objective situation of our country, our own and international experiences under the title the building leadership and the stride of renaissance’’, the performance of the Growth and Transformation Plan and governmental and organizational plans of the year 2005 (E.C).

In our meeting, we have appreciated the moves made by the peoples of our country, our African partners, as well as leaders of prominent continental and international organizations and nations to express their deep sorrow and to wish the good to our country, following the bereavement of our great leader, comrade Meles Zenawi and we have discussed strictly the need to strive through organizational, governmental and public structures so as to ensure the sustainability of the reform oriented vision of our leader and organization.

In the discussion we held on the document entitled building leadership and the stride of renaissance’’ that was compiled by Comrade Meles Zenawi and approved by the Executive Committee of the EPRDF before two months, we have observed in detail the activities that should be carried out to strengthen our stride of renaissance in the organization from building members capacity to training and building leadership, the capacity building works to be done to build the competence of our governmental structure and strengthen implementation course, the ways in which the various public organizations can be consolidated and the practices and outlook of rent-seeking that may hinder our developmental stride can be fought by the participation of the public, and the situation in which the public benefits properly.

Our council, in its decision has ensured that the document has to be one of the basic documents of the EPRDF, will be discussed at every level and will be put into implementation.

Our Council has discussed on the summarized evaluation and directions of focus for the 2005 (E.C). In the discussion, it decided to implement the plan at higher level and strive with high commitment, by evaluating the plan performance of the past two years implementation of the plan and using the experiences gained as a reference.

Our council indicated the need for all sectors to strive to meet the targets of the Growth and Transformation Plan by using the broad public movement created after the bereavement of the great leader, as an opportunity.

As regards the work of building the income raising capacity of the government, it has discussed with focus the need to strive to increase the income by 50% than the previous year as well as to consolidate investment particularly, our council underlined that we should realize our plans by increasing export products and using foreign currency in an economized way, and extend a work of expanding industrial products to substitute import goods.

While evaluating the effective moves extended to date to control the inflation that puts pressure on the living condition of the people, the council of the EPRDF indicated the need to strive to control and block the inflation by increasing the income of the people in rural and urban areas, increasing productivity and being helped by other policy instruments as a result of which it would be possible to decrease the inflation significantly in the middle of the year.

In our meeting, having seen in detail the implementation direction of the organizational and governmental works for the subsequent year, we have observed the need for us to continue strengthened the launched reform capacity building in rural and urban areas so as to achieve our plans and hence the need to plan in detail the activities carried out at organizational, governmental and public structures and execute accordingly, and to formulate and expand good experiences.

Besides, we assured that our country should continue consolidated the constructive roles it was playing and the good acceptance it earned in our region and our continent through the leadership of Comrade Meles, and that the leadership of the EPRDF plays its role to let our country contribute at international level the contribution it can.

Finally, we concluded the two day -long meeting in a successful manner and with a high feeling of motivation by assigning Comrade Hailemariam Desalegn to serve as Chairman of the EPRDF and Comrade Demeke Mokonin as Deputy Chairman.

Esteemed Peoples of Our Country!

On this historic day, our organization renews its promise to strive day and night for achieving the vision of our great leader and organization. We are confident that we do not miss your full participation and support as before in the struggle we extend to bring our country out of poverty and then let it move on the track of prosperity, let you live a prosperous life and to continue intensified the relations we have had with peoples of our region and continent which is based on joint interest and mutual respect. In this opportunity, the EPRDF and its entire members renew our promise to strive with superior drive to bring to the target the stride of renaissance launched by our organization and your effort.

Esteemed Members of Our Organization!

Having recovered from the profound sorrow we experienced over the bereavement of the Chairperson of our organization and great leader, Comrade Meles Zenawi, we have concluded our meeting victoriously by carrying high the vision which he outfitted us and grasping the extensive motivation and direction that enables us to move forward in an exalted manner ever than before.

We call up on you, the entire members of our organization, to strive with commitment to fulfill the mission entrusted to you, as you have done to date, with diligence and devotion so as to achieve the goal of realizing the vision of our great leader, Meles, and our organization by cleansing your selves from the outlook of dependency with a higher motive and directing the broad popular motivation towards a higher success.

Esteemed Partners and Supporters of Our Struggle!

Feeling confident that you are readied to strive rallying beside us as before that we assure you we have renewed our promise to work jointly with you as usual by holding the directions placed by the meeting of our organization which has been concluded with success.

Using this opportunity, our council calls up on all supporters of our struggle at home and abroad to extend your usual support for the mission of mutual benefit and wellbeing we strive for.

Esteemed Opposition Parties Conducting Peaceful and Legal Struggle!

We would like to present high gratitude to you for sharing the sorrow we experienced by the sudden bereavement of our great
leader being in sympathy with us by releasing statement of condolences and physical attendance.

Expressing its firm commitment for a strengthened continuation of the multiparty system in our country, the council of the EPRDF discloses its readiness to work with you co-operatively in the effort we extend to make free, transparent and fair the Addis Ababa and local election to be held this year through our joint council by co-operating on issues agreed commonly and struggling with civilized way on issues of differences. In this opportunity, we call up on you again to work with us hand in hand in the moves of reform launched to ensure the renaissance of our country.

Eternal Honor to the Martyrs of our Struggle!

The Renaissance of Our Country Shall be Realized!

15 Sept. 2012


Check the EPRDF archive or the Hailemariam Desalegne archive for related posts.

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