Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister will take oath on Friday

Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalgne and Demeke Mekonen will take oath tomorrow, the Office of the Spokesperson of the House of People’s Representative indicated yesterday.Ethiopian new PM Hailemariam Desalegne and Dep PM Demeke MekonenEthiopian new PM Hailemariam Desalegne and Dep PM Demeke Mekonen

The Parliament has been summoned for an urgent session to legally endorse the new Prime Minister and his Deputy, who the ruling party designated for the posts.

Statements from officials, last weekend following the EPRDF Council meeting, indicated that the Parliament will convene on the first week October, as there is no need to call an urgent session to approve the new leaders.

It is not clear why they deemed an urgent session necessary now.

State Minister of Government Communication Affairs, Shimeles Kemal, told AFP yesterday that:  "The party council felt that an extraordinary session should be held on Friday… the two officials, the two chairs who have been appointed, will be sworn in".

It is not clear if Hailemariam will make a Cabinet reshuffle and present new Ministerial nominees to the parliament on Friday.

Bio: Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe is Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2010. He is serving as an MP elected from his town Boloso Sore, Wolayta zone, since 2010. 
He earned his first degree in Civil Engineering from Addis Ababa University and a second degree in Water and Environmental Engineering from Finland Tampere University in 1992.

He served as Instructor, then as a Dean of Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (now Arba Minch University) since 1993, when he joined the ruling party. 

He is Chairman of SEPDM (South Ethiopian Peoples’ Democratic Movement), one the four parties that make up the EPRDF, as of year 2000.

Hailemariam held the posts of V/President of the Southern region – SNNPR – from 2000-2002 and President from 2002 -2005.

He serves as Social Affairs Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, then Public Mobilization & Participation Special Advisor to the Prime Minister from 2005 – 2008. He was appointed as Government Chief Whip, with a rank of Ministerial portfolio in 2008, until he became Deputy Prime Minister in 2010.

He was formally elected as EPRDF Chairman last weekend.

Bio: The Dep. Prime-Minister-designate, Demeke Mekonnen Hasen, is Minister of Minister of Education as of 2008. He was elected as an MP elected from Chagni, Awi zone, Amhara Region in 2010.

He became Chairman of ANDM  (Amhara National Democratic Movement), one the four parties that make up the EPRDF, in 2010.

He served as Commissioner of Amhara Region Ethics & Anti-Corruption Commission, Head of Amhara Region Administrative & Security Affairs Bureau and Amhara Region Cabinet member until 2005).

He held the posts of Vice President and Head of Capacity Building Bureau of Amhara Region from 2005 – 2008; Minister of Education (2008 – 2010); Member of House of People’s Representatives (2010-now).

He was elected as Deputy Chairman of EPRDF last weekend.


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