Ginbot 20(May 28): Remarks by Ethiopian and foreign officials

On May 28, 1991 the current ruling coalition, then an insurgent, Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) entered Addis Ababa. The date marked the demise of the Military regime, Dergue, that had officially unleashed mass killings, like the red terror, which took 50,000 to 100,000 lives and the so-called ‘free raid’ which gave armed officers license to kill at the spot.

There is no law proscribing May 28 as a public Holiday, nonetheless it is commemorated every year.

Here are some of the news items and press releases of statements by officials marking the day. (The order below don’t indicate their importance)


Girma Woldegiorgis, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

President Girma Woldegiorgis has called up on the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia to do their level best for the realization of the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP).

President Girma made the remark on Saturday while conveying his congratulatory message to Ethiopians and Ethiopian origins in connection with the 21st anniversary of May 28 Victory.

He said various progresses have been made in socio-economic development that enabled to improve living conditions of Ethiopians over the past 21 years.

The President called upon active participation of all sections of the society to strengthen the victories achieved in various sectors.

The Day has to be marked in such a way that all the peoples of Ethiopia renew their commitment to build upon achievements gained so far in development and democracy, he said.

Source: Ethiopian Television – May 27, 2012


Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States of America

Ethiopia’s National Day

Press Statement

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

May 25, 2012

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of Ethiopia as you celebrate your national day this May 28th.

The United States and the people of Ethiopia share a strong history as friends and partners. Together, we are working to enhance food security, improve health services, strengthen education, promote trade, and expand development. The United States applauds Ethiopia’s dedication to maintaining security in the region, including through important and effective peacekeeping missions in Sudan and South Sudan. I hope the coming year will yield a more vibrant civil society and private sector to help shape a brighter future for Ethiopia.

The United States is committed to helping Ethiopia achieve a more peaceful and prosperous future for all its people, and we look forward to continuing to work together toward common goals in Africa and around the world. As you gather with family and friends to celebrate your national day, know that the United States stands with you.

Source: Official website of the State Department


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen sends congratulations message to Ethiopian President

30 May 2011

On the occasion of the 20th National Day of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II sent a message of congratulations to HE Girma W/Giorgis, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the people of Ethiopia.

Her message read:

“On the occasion of your National Day it gives me great pleasure to send Your Excellency President Girma Wolde-Giorgis my warmest greetings, together with my best wishes for every success for the people of Ethiopia in the coming year. Elizabeth R”. ENDS

Source: Her Majesty Governor’s Office


Abadula Gemeda, Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR):

Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives (HPR)  said that May 28 (Ginbot 20)  was a historical day for the respect of both human and democratic rights of the  nations,  nationalities and peoples’ of Ethiopia.

In an exclusive interview with WIC, Abadula said Ethiopians had been deprived of their human and democratic rights for years in the previous regimes.

Following the bitter struggle carried out for over 17 years, nations and nationalities of Ethiopia managed to come out of a regime where they subjected to gross oppression under the yoke of the fascistic rules.

Currently, Ethiopian citizens are able to enjoy their fundamental rights, he said, adding a system that allows citizens to choose their representatives has also been created.

Ethiopia was to disintegrate some 20 years ago; however, the unity of nations, nationalities and people has given an end to that breach, he said.

The development policy which the Ethiopian People‘s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) follows ensured the development benefits of all citizens, he said.

Moreover, under the unwavering leadership and commitment of EPRDF, Ethiopia managed to register a double-digit economic growth over the past eight consecutive years.

Source: Walta Information Center (WIC)   – May 27, 2012


Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF):

The governing party, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, issued a statement calling on the people of Ethiopia to rally with the Government and the Front in the struggle against corruption and in support of good governance. The Front made the call in connection with the 21st anniversary of Ginbot 20, May 28th, which marks the overthrow of the military dictatorship of the Derg.

The fall of the Derg regime gave new impetus to peace and democracy as well as laying the foundation for the economic growth and democratization. Ethiopia has become one of the most stable of states.

Drought is no more a problem, and farmers and pastoralists are able to contribute to the growth of the national economy as well as becoming self-reliant. The Growth and Transformation Plan will enable the nation to increase economic growth. The EPRDF strongly believes the existing high cost of living can be solved by improving productivity.

The system of democratic federalism has ensured the equality of all nations, nationalities and people of Ethiopia. Major infrastructural developments, including the Grand Renaissance Dam and other hydropower projects, are contributing to the renaissance of the country. As part of the efforts to facilitate regional interconnection, expand education and improve health services, roads, schools and health stations have been built at kebele levels.

The country and its armed forces have been playing a key role in maintaining peace in the region in particular and the continent in general, and Ethiopia is contributing its share in ensuring the benefit of Africa by making the continent’s voice heard at continental and international forums.

The EPRDF stressed that it would not tolerate disruptive moves by anti-peace groups assisted by the Eritrean government but it underlined that it was keen to work together on common national issues with opposition political parties willing to operate peacefully and democratically.

Source”: Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) 


Remark by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

May 28th: the launch of the Ethiopian Renaissance

Twenty one years ago, EPRDF forces entered Addis Ababa, finally bringing to a victorious end sixteen years of civil war.  It was a momentous day for the peoples of Ethiopia who had suffered for so long at the hands of a ruthless dictator and whose lives had been shattered by the misguided Marxist policies of the military regime. Ethiopia is a country in which more than eighty ethnic groups exist and twice as many dialects are spoken. The ‘National Question’ was among the first issues to be formulated by radical university students in their demands for socio-political change in Ethiopia. Growing civil unrest and a unified force of Ethiopian peoples, led by the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) against the dictatorial communist regime finally led to its demise in 1991. The victory of the Ethiopian people over the Derg was not just a mere change of government; it was a victory which opened the way to democracy and good governance.

The struggles of the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia for equality and justice; for respect for their human and political rights; and for good governance, development, peace and security finally bore fruit. To launch the final goal of the struggle and assure the country’s renaissance, a coalition of 27 political and liberation organizations under a transitional government embarked on the path of transforming Ethiopia from a centralized, military-controlled, Marxist dictatorship to a free and democratic federation between 1991 and 1995. In 1994 a new constitution was drafted, setting up a bicameral legislature and an independent judicial system and guaranteeing equal rights and freedom of expression to all Ethiopian citizens. The New Ethiopia was constituted on the basis of equality, mutual respect, common aims and interests of all the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia as well as of all religions and faiths in the country: unity in diversity. This is the reason why we celebrate the Anniversary of May 28th, the National Day of Ethiopia.

The building of the institutions of democracy, of good governance and of the rule of law is of courser a work in progress. It continually deepens and expands, gaining strength year by year. The Constitution provides for a regional system of government that comprising nine autonomous states, and each region also has its own Constitution, valid for that region alone. As the Federal Government, so the regional/state governments have executive, legislative, and judicial powers within their own regions. 

The victory of May 28, and the subsequent activities at both federal and regional level, to move the country out of backwardness and conflict and into peace and stability have led the country down the path of democracy and development. The war being waged against poverty is yielding substantial results. For the first time in its history, Ethiopia is in a dynamic process of vigorous transformation. It is one of the ten fastest growing economies in the world. Its GDP has been growing at an average rate of more than 11 percent for the last eight years. The success of its development is demonstrated by its capacity to bring about rapid and continuous development which has benefited people at all levels. By sustaining this growth rate, Ethiopia’s Gross National Income is expected to double over the next four years. Ethiopia is one of the few countries expecting to achieve all the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The strategy of building a democratic system has played a significant role with good governance based on transparency, accountability, public participation, and the supremacy of the law, being the main reason for the country’s quantum leap in development. 

The democratic constitution is the foundation for all the policies and strategies. Foreign Direct Investment, technology transfer, technical assistance and foreign trade have all shown significant increases. Image building activities have become productive. Ethiopia represents Africa in negotiating in international meetings on global climate change. The right direction of the country arising from the change of direction in May 28 has benefited Ethiopia’s development. It has also provided support for peace and security in the Horn of Africa with Ethiopia as a vanguard in combating terrorism and global threats. Its Growth and Transformation Plan is designed to keep the country moving up the development ladder and by focusing on mutual benefit, doing this together with others in the region.  

The success story does not end there. It is also well reflected in foreign relations. Ethiopia enjoys good relations with almost all its neighbors as well as with the international community at large. It has expanded its bilateral, regional and international relations, and takes a prominent role in international peace keeping operations. The guiding principles of its foreign policy are focused on the principles of mutual respect and benefit, good neighbourliness, mutual growth and international peace and stability. These are winning the cooperation and support of its development partners. The current foreign policy strategy gives priority to tackling the challenges of underdevelopment and its ills. This is a fundamental departure from previous regimes and it has demonstrated its importance for the survival and transformation of the country. The principles of Economic Diplomacy that Ethiopia now pursues complement the national endeavors to lift the country out of poverty and contribute to the strengthening of its democratic institutions.  

As State Minister Ambassador Berhane Gebrechristos told members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs May 28th offered “a new chapter [in which] Ethiopians are beginning to make the Ethiopian Renaissance a reality by demolishing the ignorance and poverty that resulted from a history of suppression and civil war.” Ethiopia can now be described as one of the fastest growing economies in the world as a result of the policies and strategies launched since then; and the double digit growth of the last eight years was a vivid illustration of this. Similarly, the Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy and Strategy has helped Ethiopia play a major role in bringing peace and security to the Horn of Africa.

May 28 in fact has been a turning point for democracy and development in Ethiopia. The victory brought about a fundamental transformation in the political economy of the country. It has created a situation in which the private entrepreneur can become the motor of development by creating an exceptional and conducive environment and drying up various forms of rent-seeking. It allows the government to selectively and effectively interfere when market gaps occur and lets it play a leadership role in coordination and improving the capacity of development forces.   Democracy and development require a democratic constitution. May 28th laid the foundations for democracy, peace and good governance and has allowed Ethiopians to hold their heads high and once again take pride in their identities.


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