Communiqué of the 19th IGAD Assembly on Somalia and Sudan

Autorité Intergouvernementale Pour Développement (IGAD)  * Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)

Communiqué of the 19th Extra-Ordinary Session of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the Situation in Somalia and a Briefing on the Outstanding Issues of the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement

ADDIS ABABA, 25th November, 2011

The IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government held its 19th Extra-Ordinary Summit Meeting in Addis Ababa, on 25th November 2011 under the Chairmanship of H.E. Meles Zenawi, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the IGAD Assembly during which the Republic of South of Sudan was admitted to the regional bloc.

The Summit discussed the current political and security situation in Somalia and the Summit received a brief from AU on the implementation of the outstanding issues of the Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The Assembly was attended by: H.E. Ismael Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti; H.E. Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of Kenya, H.E. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, H.E. Salaheldien Wanasi, State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan, H.E. Garang Diing Akuong , Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment of the Republic of South Sudan; Hon. Dr. Crispus Kiyonga, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Uganda, H.E. Eng. Mahboub Maalim, IGAD Executive Secretary, H.E. Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra,

Commissioner for Peace and Security of the AU, H.E Jerry Rowlings, AU High Representative for Somalia, and H.E. Boubacar G. Diarra, Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AUC for Somalia .

The Summit deliberated on the political, security and humanitarian situation in Somalia, and in particular the Kenya-TFG joint security operations in South and Central Somalia, in pursuit of Al-Shabaab militants and their Al Qaida affiliates.

In this regard, The Summit: Having taken note of the decisions and recommendations made by the 41st Extra­ordinary Session of the IGAD Council of Ministers as reflected in their Communiqué of 21st October, 2011,and their consultative session today, 25th November 2011; Considering the brief by H.E. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia on the situation in Somalia and efforts by the TFG to consolidate security and political control of the country in line with the Kampala Accord and the Road Map as well as his appeal for enhanced support and assistance to build the capacity of the TFG security forces;

Also considering the briefing by H.E. Ramtane Lamamra, AU Commissioner for Peace and Security as well as the statement by H.E Jerry Rowlings, High Representative of the AU Chairperson for Somalia on the current political and security situation in Somalia; Further considering the briefing by H.E. Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of Kenya on the Kenyan security operation in Somalia in pursuit of Al Shabaab insurgents and other militant groups;

Having taken Note of the gains already made by TFG forces, AMISOM and Kenya Defense Forces (KDF), and the need to galvanize international support to consolidate and expand these gains;

Recalling the previous decisions of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government and the Council of Ministers on Somalia;

Considering the decisions of the Ministers of Defense and Chiefs of Defense Staff of Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) and other interested countries at their consultative meetings held in Addis Ababa between September, October and November, 2011, on the consolidation, co-ordination and expansion of AMISOM, that was endorsed (by the meeting of Ministers for and Chiefs of Defense Staff) on 14th November, 2011;

1. Welcomes the admission of the Republic of South Sudan as the newest full member of the IGAD community.

2. Strongly condemns the destabilization activities of the Al Shabaab and other militant groups in Somalia and the Region;

3. Welcomes the joint security operation by Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) and TFG forces in pursuit of Al Shabaab in South and Central Somalia; and understands, appreciates and supports the joint operation as a unique opportunity for the region to consolidate gains made and restore stability and security in Somalia. In this regard, emphasizes the need for regional solidarity and enhanced coordination between AMISOM, TFG forces, and KDF in order to successfully defeat Al Shabaab and bring to an end the state of lawlessness that has prevailed in much of Somalia over the last two decades;

4. Calls upon the TFIs to expedite the finalization and endorsement of national security and stabilization processes;

5. Stresses the need for enhanced engagement by IGAD and the AU in galvanizing international support for the on-going operation with a view to building on the momentum created by the joint operation;

6. Calls upon the Ethiopian Government to support the Kenyan-TFG and AMISOM operation. Further calls upon Kenya to consider the prospects of integrating its forces to AMISOM and to consolidate security and stability in Somalia;

7. Pays tribute to TFG forces, AMISOM and the Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) for their continued sacrifices in pursuit of peace and security in Somalia, which has resulted in the diminishing of Al Shabaab threats and subsequent consolidation of security in Mogadishu and its environs. In this regard Urges that an audit of threats to Mogadishu and the requirements to deal with such threats be conducted with a view to assessing the appropriateness of deployment in all the liberated areas;

8. Urges the TFG leadership to take advantage of the expanded liberated territories and populations to foster security, enhance national reconciliation, and consolidate political and administrative control in the country and to promote inclusive political participation in line with the Djibouti Peace Process, Kampala Accord and the Road Map. Reaffirms TFG primary responsibility in establishing local administration in the liberated areas. In this regard, the summit reiterates the commitment and determination of IGAD Member States to continue supporting the TFG in this endeavour; and urges Somalia political leadership, particularly Members of Parliament to operate in Somalia and in this regard, calls upon neighboring countries to assist them;

9. Notes with appreciation the decision of Djibouti to provide troops to AMISOM by the end of the year and calls on other African countries which have pledged troops to AMISOM to urgently fulfill their pledges to enable AMISOM consolidate security in other regions of Somalia beyond Mogadishu, in particular South-Central Somalia and other liberated areas.

10.Notes with concern that Kenya continues to carry the heaviest refugee burden, and in this regard calls on the international community to urgently develop modalities for burden-sharing, and urge humanitarian aid agencies to relocate to the secure parts of the country in order to provide humanitarian assistance to the drought and famine-stricken communities in a more effective manner and stem migration;

11.Welcomes the UNSC decision to extend for 12 months authorization for those countries cooperating with the TFG to use ‘All Necessary Means’ to Combat Piracy and Armed Robbery(Resolution2020), further calls upon the international community to respond to its obligations under the 13 UNSC Conventions on Anti-terrorism to tackle the threats to international peace and security in Somalia and stresses the need for a comprehensive response to tackle piracy, armed robbery and terrorism and their underlying causes;

12.Further calls on the UNSC to enhance the mandate of AMISOM and to authorise its strengthening to a level and size that is appropriate for the consolidation of peace and security in Mogadishu and South and Central Somalia and other secured areas; and reiterates its previous calls on the UNSC to adopt a resolution that enforces measures to control access to the Ports of Kismayu, Haradhere, Marka and Barawe and an air-exclusion zone over air space controlled by Al Shabaab such as Baidoa, Balidogle, N5O and Cisaley to cut off arms supplies to Al Shabaab;

13.Decides to work with all parties involved in the search for sustainable peace and security in Somalia;

14.Directs the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers and IGAD Secretariat to make the necessary arrangements to ensure continuous consultations of the IGAD Chiefs of Defense Staff and the military experts on how to support the process of coordination on the ground;

15.Reiterates the need to sustain support to the TFG Security forces and AMISOM to secure safe corridors for humanitarian assistance and urges the UN humanitarian agencies and other international humanitarian organizations to enhance their efforts towards aid deliveries to the needy;

16.Expresses appreciation to partner countries and organizations that are currently providing financial, material and technical assistance to the TFG and urges mobilization of the international community to increase technical and financial resources to the TFG and the formation of a Joint TFG-Donor management board in line with the Declaration of the Nairobi Summit on the Horn of Africa Crisis of 9th September 2011;

17. Notes with appreciation the efforts of Member States and partners in development in addressing drought in the Horn of Africa and expresses its commitment to fully support the proposed IGAD Regional Platform as a vehicle for enhanced partnership to promote relief –development continuum and reaffirms its decision of September 8-9,2011 directing IGAD to take the lead in coordinating efforts of all other actors in +

18.ending drought emergencies in the Region;

19. Directs the IGAD Secretariat to transmit Decisions of the Summit to the African Union Commission and the United Nations Security Council;

20. Strongly urge the Governments of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan to urgently resume negotiations and expedite implementation of the outstanding issues of the CPA;

21.Commends the continued role of Ethiopia in providing peace keeping forces in the Abyei Region.

22.Recognizes the situation of Djiboutian prisoners taken by Eritrea and demands the Government of Eritrea to free all Djibouti Prisoners of War without further delay;

23.Condemn the Government of Eritrea for its continuing supply of ammunitions to the extremist group particularly Al Shabab whose intention has always been to destabilize the Region;

24. Expresses its appreciation to the Government and the people of Ethiopia for hosting this Extra-ordinary Summit;

25. Decides to remain seized of this matter.

Issued this 25th of November, 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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