Egypt: New constitutional declaration of elections [Press release]

The Supreme Council of Egypt Army, which is in charge of the country since Hosni Mubarak’s oust last February, issued a major declaration on Tuesday evening.

The new declaration provides a phased timetable for parliamentary elections. But, there is nothing regarding Presidential elections.

A spokesperson of the Army told one news outlet that Presidential elections could be held before mid-2012.

At any rate, it is certain the Army intends to stay in charge at least until March 2012 if not longer. [More on this in the coming days]

Here is the Press release from the official Egypt State Information Service.

[Note: the People’s Assembly is the lower chamber, while the Shura Council is the upper chamber, according to Egypt’s Constitution.]


Wednesday, 28 September 2011
SCAF issues a new constitutional declaration of elections
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) on 27/9/2011 issued a constitutional declaration under which two thirds of seats of the People’s Assembly and the Shura Council would be filled under the proportional list system and one third of seats will filled through the individual system.

The SCAF also issued a number of laws amending some provisions of the People’s Assembly and the Shura Council laws designating constituencies of the People’s Assembly and the Shura Council.

The SCAF also issued two laws inviting voters to cast their votes in the People’s Assembly on three stages and another one inviting voters to cast their votes in the Shura Council elections. An official Military source said nomination for the People’s Assembly and the Shura Council would open on October 12.

The military source said the first stage of the People’s Assembly’s elections will be held on November 28 in the following nine governorates: Cairo, Fayyoum, Port Said, Damietta, Alexandria, Kafr El Sheikh, Assiut, Luxor and the Red Sea.

Run off elections will be held on December 5, the second stage of the People’s Assembly’s elections will be held on December 14 in the following nine governorates: Giza, Beni Sueif, Menufeya, Sharkeya, Ismaelia, Suez, Beheria, Suhag and Aswan. The run of elections will be held on December 21.

The third stage of elections will be held in the following nine governorates: Minye, Qalyoubeya, Gharbeih, Dakahlia, North Sinai, South Sinai, Metruh, Qena, and the new valley.

The run off round will he held on January 10. The first session of the new People’s Assembly will be held on March 17.

The first stage of the Shura Council elections will be held on January 29 and will end on March 11.

The first session of the Shura Council will be held on March 24.

Major General Rifaat Qemsan, the Assistant Interior Minister for election affairs said in exclusive statements to Al Ahram that the law designating constituencies which was issued by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has preserved the number of seats in governorates adding the number of seats in Cairo governorates has been increased from 50 to 54 seats and Giza from 28 to 30 seats.

He said the new designation of constituencies aims at facilitating elections for both voters and candidates.


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