Live blogging the vote count – Election 2010 | Ethiopia

You probably read the note, on the home page of this blog, that claims:

This blog is the first blog, or media outlet, to announce the Ethiopian election results, just 24 hours after the polling stations closed on May 24/2010.

It is referring to this post(link) published on mid-night of Monday, May 24/2010, about 11 PM (Addis Ababa time, GMT+3).

[Note that Polling stations were closed about on Monday, May 23/2010 about 6 PM(Addis time. That is, 3 PM London Time/GMT/UTC.]

Having read that visitors asked me a number of questions. Such as: Were you really the first? Was it guesswork? How did you pull it off? How come other news outlets failed? Do you really need to brag about it(on the home page)? and the like. [I intend to summaries my answers to the questions and put it here in the coming days.]

But that post on this blog was not all.

As the screenshot of my Facebook wall, posted below, evidences, I had posted most of the key results on Facebook much earlier.

In other words, I live blogged the vote count – or, to be precise, the vote aggregation process.

Surely, those connected with me on Facebook, directly or as a friend-of-friend, through  page I co-administer, via search engines, etc. were among the few who learnt the results before the wider public. That is, in addition to, the leaders of the contesting parties and western diplomats in Addis Ababa.


Notes about the image below.

  • The thick black lines are used, in the interest of privacy, to disguise identifiable photos and names of those who ‘liked’ or commented on my posts.
  • The images below, screenshot my Facebook page, is taken on Wednesday May 26/2010. Thus: ‘Monday’ means May 24/2010, ‘yesterday’ means Tuesday, May 25, and ‘today’ means Wednesday May 26. (I could’ve avoided the confusion by taking another screen shot, but going back 12 months on Facebook wall with my internet connection is simply unthinkable)
  • The time zone used is Addis Ababa time – which is GMT + 3. Thus, Monday, 12 AM indicates Monday noon in Addis, while it would be 9:AM in London.
  • Take note that, the posts/updates on the image below were written in haste and supposed to remain as Facebook posts, thus they may lack the objectivity, formalness and literary qualities that are ubiquitous on this blog.

[You are encouraged to pose any question or challenge about the matter.]


Daniel Berhane live blogging - Ethiopian election - on Facebook (2)

Daniel Berhane live blogging - Ethiopian election - on Facebook (3)

Daniel Berhane live blogging - Ethiopian election - on Facebook (4)

Daniel Berhane live blogging - Ethiopian election - on Facebook (5)

Daniel Berhane live blogging - Ethiopian election - on Facebook


Check this Election archive for more on the issue.

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