Ethiopia’s Humanitarian Requirements for 2011

The 2011 Humanitarian Requirements Document has been launched on Feb 07/.2011. The document, which is a result of government and relief agencies’ assessment, indicates that 2.8 million people require relief food assistance in 2011. The figure rose by 500,000 from the earlier estimation I posted.(Link). Yet, it should be noted, it is still by far lower than 2010 which stood above 4million.

Dismayingly the document, which is official, is not made available online yet(6 days!). Thus, I am forced to simply post you the summary of the document provided by UN-OCHA Ethiopia office.

Read below the summary of the document – published by UN-OCHA.


Humanitarian Requirements Document Launched

On 7 February 2011, the Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD), which requests US$226.5 million for prioritized food and non-food needs, was launched.

A brief summary of the HRD, including key facts and figures, is attached:

Food Security Outlook

The latest FEWS-NET/WFP food security outlook indicates that food security improved in meher (long cycle) crop-producing parts of the country with the most recent harvest and anticipates favourable food security conditions between January and June in most parts of the country. The crop production forecast sample survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) between September and October also indicated a good harvest, with production estimated to be about nine per cent higher than 2009/10. According to various reports, however, the actual harvest is likely to be lower than anticipated due to yield losses, primarily in the highlands, as a result of heavy rains which caused water logging, flooding and hailstorms, as well as pest and disease infestation, including yellow rust. Despite overall price stability, staple cereal prices are steadily increasing and livestock prices declining in the southern and south-eastern pastoral and agro-pastoral zones due to the poor
October to December 2010 rains.

Seasonal Outlook

The latest forecast issued by the National Meteorology Agency (NMA) anticipates the continuation of a ‘moderate to strong’ La Niña phenomenon, potentially through June 2011. The belg/gu rains are generally anticipated to be below-normal in most receiving areas. In the eastern, southern and south-eastern parts of the country below-normal rains are anticipated, while normal rains are expected over the western and south-western parts of the country. Overall, erratic onset, near normal cessation and dry spells are expected during the coming belg season.

Health Update

The Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute/Public Health Emergency Management (EHNRI/PHEM) reported 534 new cases of measles in SNNP (Gamo Gofa, Gedio, Sidama, South Omo zones as well as Alaba and Konso special woredas) and Somali (Gode) regions between 24 and 31 January 2011. The majority of the
cases (529 cases) were reported from SNNPR. The case fatality rate (CFR) has remained below 1 per cent in most reporting areas due to improved case management activities. According to UNICEF, the majority of cases reported in 2011 are among children above 5 years of age, as the 2010 measles standard immunization activities
(SIA) targeted children under 4 years of age. WHO has distributed specimen collection kit to South Omo zone (SNNPR) to enhance measles laboratory investigation.

During the same reporting week, nine new cases of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) were reported in Jarso woreda, East Hararghe zone of Oromia Region. The Oromia Regional Water Bureau distributed water purification chemicals and four AWD kits from its pre-positioned supplies. The Ministry of Health (MoH) facilitated an interregional AWD coordination meeting between Oromia and SNNP regions in Dilla town on 25 and 26 January 2011. The meeting recommended timely information sharing and cross-regional support on case management and health education. Some 35 participants from the MoH, RHBs, zonal health bureaus (Sidama, Gedio and, Borena), Dilla hospital, IRC and UNICEF attended the meeting.

A rapid response team has been established in Gambella Zuria, Abobo, Goge, Jore, Etang and Lare woredas in Gambella Region as part of the RHB’s emergency preparedness and response plan. WHO has supported the establishment of the team, which includes a woreda health officer, health facility workers and laboratory technician. The team is delegated to conduct rapid assessment, initial response and reporting in the event that a health emergency arises.

Water Shortage Update

The number of people affected by water shortages is increasing with the extended dry season. In Oromia Region, the number of affected woredas has increased from 25 to 33 and corresponding emergency trucking needs have increased from 31 to 59, with 21 trucks currently deployed. Similarly, two additional water trucks have been requested in Somali Region (151 trucks currently required) to address newly-affected woredas. OWDA (with support from UNICEF and CHF) in Warder, Mercy Corps in Gashamo, IRC in Aware, Oxfam GB in Harshin, Save the Children UK in Ayisha and Fik zones and ADRA in Bare are finalizing arrangements to start emergency water rationing interventions. The Somali Regional Water Bureau has rehabilitated 24 non-functional boreholes. Meanwhile, FEWS-NET/WFP latest report indicates that water prices have become unaffordable, particularly for the poor and very poor, and increased expenditure on water is likely to create food gaps even for relatively better-off households.



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