It was widely reported that Prime Minister Meles Zenawi accused the opposition party, UDJ (Unity for Democracy and Justice, aka Andinet), of trying to incite a violence. That was during a parliamentary session on April 5 when he appeared to present six-months performance report. He said, ‘I would like to pass a message to Medrek, and particularly members of [the] Unity [for Justice and Democracy Party]….the Ethiopian government is not blind and deaf…..whoever takes part in the plot being hatched to incite protests and terror..[ would] pay a price.’

Since Meles gave no details about ‘the plot being hatched, VOA reporter Peter Heinlein speculated it could be related to ‘a campaign on the social networking website Facebook [which] is calling for massive protests’ for May 20/2011.

Speaking of facebook, what Peter Heinlein forgot to mention is that Ginbot 7 recently said, in its weekly Amharic press release, ‘we should launch attack on the internet…the campaign on facebook is going very well…but not enough’.

The scanned image below is an Amharic Press Statement, issued on April 8/2011, by UDJ, titled ‘better to address the legitimate public demands rather than looking for a scapegoat’, as a response to the PM warning.

What is more interesting is the following debate on whether a Tunisian-styled revolution is legal or not. At least two UDJ leaders made remarks to the media that seems to defend the legality of such actions, on the other hand Walta Information Center interviewed leaders of two opposition parties who think to the contrary.

Unfortunately, the issue, overshadowed by the news of the new dam, didn’t get sufficiently discussed. In fact, I have yet to see an article discussing the legality issue.

Thus, pending my reflection on it, I decided to post UDJ’s press statement here.


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